Sunday 30 June 2013

A little more about Building and Construction Trades Council and Unionized Contractors

In my first blog post I highlighted work and support provided by the Building and Construction Trades Council of Cape Breton to Dragon Boating in our community.   Do you wonder why they do it? Why have they supported this "new" sport since the first breast cancer survivors approached them over 10 years ago? Why do they support the festival?  Why have we had a growing number of Union teams register each year?
I think, as a group (and they're a very large group,)  it's because they genuinely love living and working in Cape Breton.

I think if you watch these two videos it will help you to understand what their leadership and members realized years ago. Our healthy community is on dependent them, their members, and their partners to stay here, work hard, and set/meet a high standards. Likewise, their ability to be stay and be successful in our beautiful community requires an energetic, vibrant, healthy people who support them.

The trailer for the video on YouTube gives you a taste...

Then you can download the video itself from this website.

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