Friday 28 June 2013

5 Secrets to winning a race

It's that time of year again. The time of year when school finishes and we who are involved in the CBDBF start getting nervous... So much to do, and so little time to do it.

This year we're really excited about how many teams have been our practising at the Sydney Harbour Dragon Boat Club in Sydney River.  Have you seen them?  They paddle on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and they look great gliding up the harbour from the Sydney River Dam all the way to the Big Fiddle.   It's going to be an excellent competition because some of these teams are starting to get a little competitive.

Do you want to know the secrets to winning the race? There's 5 that I can share.

1. Keep your head up!  Once you're in the boat, you don't need to look at the water, it's not going anywhere.  When you look up you see everyone in front of you and the drummer which helps you to stay connected to the rest of your team.

2. Paddle in time with the rest of your team. They say slow and steady wins the race, well that's true in Dragon Boating too. Reach far ahead of you, bury your paddle blade in the water, paddle in time with everyone else, and don't go too fast, you'll do great!

3. Don't forget to Breath!  Did you ever try to hold your breath for over a minute?  I can't. Sometimes in the excitement people hold their breath but if you're not feeding oxygen to your muscles, they're going to stop working for you.

4. Balance the boat.  This isn't really all that difficult to do, but it can make a world of difference. So, when you're on the dock, look at the person next to you and if they obviously weigh more than you or are much stronger, help them to find a new buddy who's closer to their size and strength.   It's OK, we're all made different shapes and sizes, but if you do this, you're boat will go straighter and faster.

5. MOST IMPORTANTLY... HAVE FUN!! We're all paddling because it's fun, social, and healthful. If you have fun, you're a winner no matter where you place.

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